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CCL Surgery for Dogs: What is the CCL?

CCL Surgery for Dogs: What is the CCL?

Take a look at this blog to learn what the CCL is, what can happen to it, and what CCL surgery for dogs can entail.

Whether your veterinary care professionals have recommended TPLO, TTA, or ECLS for your companion’s knee problems, you are likely drowning in definitions and acronyms related to your canine’s care. Navigating the world of CCL rupture can be overwhelming, but this guide will walk you through the basics. Keep reading to learn about what the CCL is, what can happen to it, and what CCL surgery for dogs can entail.

The CCL Explained

Your canine companion has two very important ligaments in their knees: the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) and the caudal cruciate ligament. The cranial cruciate ligament is the subject of this guide, and it is analogous to the human ACL. Both ligaments are vital in stabilizing a canine’s knees, and they cross over one another in the middle of the knee to provide support.

Common Issues: CCL Rupture or Tear

Sometimes due to trauma or wear, the CCL can tear or rupture. When this occurs, a canine’s tibia (shin) can slide forward beneath their femur (thighbone) in a way that is painful, unstable, and damaging. Companions with a damaged CCL can experience severe pain, difficulty walking, and swelling. These symptoms can worsen over time, and an untreated CCL rupture can lead to further joint deterioration and immense pain. Although any canine can experience a torn or ruptured CCL, things like advanced age, obesity, and genetics can play a part.

CCL Surgery for Dogs

Fortunately for guardians and their canine companions, there are various treatment options for a ruptured or torn CCL. The leading type of CCL surgery for dogs is TPLO surgery. Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy is a stabilizing procedure that involves reducing the angle at the top of the patient’s tibia and installing plates and screws to provide joint support. This operation is designed to limit the force placed on the tibia by the femur, which leads to decreased stress on the patient’s ligaments. While a small percentage of canine patients have the stabilizing plates and screws removed after their bones heal, veterinary surgeons opt to leave this hardware in place for most dogs undergoing TPLO.

Trust Maryland Veterinary Surgical Services With Your Companion’s Health

Your companion’s health is important, and the team at MVSS is ready to provide the best care possible for your furry family. We are dedicated to combining comprehensive exams and assessments with informative and honest discussions of your companion’s care. Once we have worked with you to decide on the best course of action for your dog, our professionals will use their surgical expertise to work towards the goal of giving your companion an active and pain-free life. We are proud to serve loyal companions in Catonsville and Baltimore. To learn more about our services, give us a call at 410-788-4088 or visit us online. For more information and tips for pet health, follow us on Facebook and Pinterest.

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